[Clamwin-users] scripts in webpages not found - should it be or not?
Jan Agermose
2010-01-03 20:42:50 UTC

we have a webserver where some index.html files have been altered to include
not so nice code - I dont know what it does, but since its not updated by
the webadmin im guessing its not ok :) its uploaded by a FTP account that
was compromiced - this we know. BUT the "problem" (one of them anyway) is
that we are scanning this (webservers filesystem) and other dirs every day
using clamwin and it does not find this "virus". Is it not supposed to - are
we using the wrong tool for the job?

I dont know if I can post the JS script here or if it will help.

anyway, the short question is if winclam is supposed to be able to help us
spot problems like this at all or should we look for other tools to do this?

best regards

